Here it comes! We knew it would show up, just like clockwork, just like it has every election cycle since 1968, or maybe since 1946, if you want to count the red-baiting Commie Scare of McCarthy, Nixon and company.
The Party of Straw Men, Baseless Threats, and Things that go Bump in the Night is sending up trial balloons for what it hopes will be the distraction that will keep the electorate from giving them the thrashing they so richly deserve.
Those Orange Terror alerts just don't have the same punch that they used to. And now after a few years, Republicans in places like Massachusetts, Vermont Maine and California are downright soft on gay marriage. Only on the home turf of the American Taliban, like Texas, does frightening little children (or those with the minds of little children) with the nightmare of Adam and Steve moving in next door carry any traction.